Happy New Year!
Another year has flown by, time to look back from a bloggy/social media (not just CAD blog) perspective at the year:
'Me' on the web
Twenty three, and a bit, years after starting a blog I finally got around to getting my own domain for it. It's still published with TypePad, but can now be found via www.robincapper.net.
Still learning more about Civil 3D, QGIS and more supporting IT in a Civil Engineering company over the year with a great team. Might get around to blogging a bit more about that this year.
Best social media related event(s):
- David Farrier's Webworm
- Literally changed my appearance, for a while: The April 2024 pink hair social experiment.
- A December Auckland pop-up meetup, chance to chat and get some great Merchandise (laptop stickered and shirt), and a Christmas Hair suggestion hair colour follow-up: Green!
I'm easily influenced, but thanks to my underlying grey (and could not be bothered pre-bleaching) it turned out more like teal; but good all the same!
- Walk The Pod Lunchtime Walks
- A fun, growing, virtual community built around a regular 'lunchtime walk' podcast and walking, wherever you are, in real life.
Best new media (Podcasters and YouTubers):
I listen, view, and support, a lot of creators added a few more to the play list this year. Some of the best include:
- One Pack Wanderers | Discovered Tia & Cheveyo when they were touring New Zealand and have been following ever since
- Auto Shenanigans | Road related British history, love John's quirky presentation.
- Juggernaut: The Story of the Fourth Labour Government | Epic NZ political history podcast from The Spinoff
- The Hoon | Bernard Hickey and Peter Bale's weekly social, environmental, political podcast. Live for 'The Kaka' subscribers and next day for everyone else. Superb discussions from the hosts and an impressive range of regular and occasional guests.
- Follow up from last year
- AussieEspañol | AussieEspañol purchased a Tuk-tuk (and adopted a dog) in Bolivia, headed South to Ushuaia, then North to Alaska! After a recent accident in Brazil (hit by a truck, thankfully no serious injuries) he's just got a new Tuk-tuk, named Toriii (Tori three), to continue his journey again.
- Benson The Biking Viking | James finished his bicycle touring trip from Alaska to Argentina. Now following his new career, adventure motivational speaking, and his plans to tackle Antarctica
- Alluring Arctic Sailing | Currently wintering over, having sailed Northwest Passage!
Thanks for visiting, reading, following, and commenting wherever you do. Let's see what 2025 brings!
Boring Blog Stats (for me!)
[ ] = 2023 figures
TypePad Community: 73 [73] Following | 261 [261] Followers
Mastodon: 4100 [3287] Posts | 1.7K [1.6K] Following | 719 [681] Followers
Bluesky(new August 2024): 120 [0] Posts | 546 [0] Following | 185 [0] Followers
Threads (new August 2024): Could not find 'thread' count | 1123K [0K] Following | 137 [0] Followers
Facebook | 493 'Friends'
RobiNZ CAD Blog
Posts: 2189 [2183] | Comments: 1792 [1792] | Pages: 11 [11]
Page Views: Total: 1,626,513 [1,606,926 | Average Per Day: 214.69 [222.91]
FeedBurner Subscribers: Feeds still active but, thanks to Google, stats no longer available [158]
Most Popular Post from 2024: Kiwi affordable housing design, build, operation innovator
Most visited old post was from 2007: Align, the forgotten AutoCAD hero
RobiNZ Personal Blog
Posts: 2525 [2512] | Comments: 1044 [1043]
Page Views: Total: 504,024 [ 487,186] | Average Per Day: 69.63 [70.89]
FeedBurner Subscribers: Feeds still active but, thanks to Google, stats no longer available [27]
Most Popular Post from 2024: Socially media influenced by Webworm's David Farrier!
Most visited old post was from 2006: The Mercedes with Ford style?