Autodesk have released a new learning hub offering focused training with topics across all their Arch/MEP platforms (Revit, AutoCAD & FormIt):
While looking at the article "Collaborating in AutoCAD with Specialized Toolsets”* I had the odd experience of seeing myself looking back. They've used a short YouTube I made way back in 2007, for this blog post, and it was my YouTube profile photo staring at me!
It was odd timing as I haven't created an ACA theme for a long time (but our projects still use them) but had been discussing them on the ACA Forum. Richard was trying to replicate Revit’s Room/Space Colour Fills which ACA Themes can do with one huge limitation.
They do not build values/colours on the fly, like Revit does, so you have to create a value (and specify the property it applies to) first, to see it coloured an object with that property. For rooms you would need to build the room name list in the theme, then apply them to spaces (rooms in ACA) to get colour fill by name.
ACA themes do have one function I wish Revit colour fills could adopt. You can theme (colour) any object by any property rather than just the rooms/spaces Revit fills are limited too. I suspect a lot of workarounds with view filters in Revit would be eliminated if Revit Fills applied to any object.
* Specialized Toolsets is the term Autodesk now uses for vertical products like AutoCAD Architecture/MEP