I am honoured Autodesk User Group International (AUGI) asked me to cover the BiLT Design Conference (former Revit Technology Conference) in Brisbane. The first post is on their blog:
BiLT ANZ, the biggest ever! | BLAUGI
Also look for #BILTANZ tags on my social media
Conference attendance & travel sponsored by Autodesk User Group International
Sent from Outlook for Android
Article from AUGI Blog
My journey to BiLT ANZ 2018 began with an unexpected email from AUGI: Would you consider doing some blogging for AUGI? Yes!
I have attended a couple of the predecessor Revit Technology Conferences (RTC), in New Zealand, but this is my first BiLT. The 2017 name change really acknowledged RTC’s already broadening approach to BIM and its future intentions. What started out as a platform focused conference now embraces the reality of BIM being a multi-platform, multi-discipline, and multiple industry activity. Like RTC, BiLT is a valuable forum “Bringing industry Leadership Together” in a platform neutral industry focused event. While Revit is still prominent there are sessions on many other BIM related workflows, applications and platforms.
Although I have been to Australia before this is also my first visit to Brisbane. Surprising it has taken this long given many Kiwis (including me!) have family connections here due to emigration over the past couple of decades. At one stage it seemed just about everyone in Auckland was ‘moving to Brissie’, attracted by higher pay and tropical weather, but more recently the trans-Tasman people flow has balanced out. Leaving Auckland on a gloomy, wet and cold (for NZ) morning to arrive, three hours later, in sunny warm Brisbane certainly made a good first impression!
The Royal International Convention Centre (the BiLT venue) is in Bowen Hills, a newly regenerating mixed-use area a few kilometres from the Brisbane CBD. The three-day BiLT schedule kicks off with a plenary session comprising of brief sponsor addresses and a keynote with a more general design focus on the first morning. The rest of the day, and following days, offer a wide variety of parallel streamed 75-minute sessions. Formats include presentations, forums, and hands on labs. Deciding which to attend is a challenge and it becomes apparent why larger organisations send multiple attendees to cover the impressive line-up.
A sample of the sessions I’ve chosen give a flavour of the diversity of subjects on offer and the creativity in session naming:
- The Gospel of the Good LOD According to Kev
- A Guided Tour of Cutting Edge Creek with Some BIM Geeks
- Implementing Revit for Interior Design Teams
- Analog Lab: UX Design for Revit Families Using Empathy, Prototyping, and Testing
- Advance Your Digital Agenda Through Persuasion and Influence
- Improving Productivity and Asset Outcomes Through the Consistent Adoption of BIM
- Why BIM Costs Money – A View from a Quantity Surveyor
- Chameleon Yoga BIM - Flexible Digital Collaboration
Between sessions you can meet attendees, speakers, sponsors and vendors in the Exhibition space. It offers lots of opportunities for networking, satisfying the tea/coffee habit and refuelling. There are also several more formal evening social events including a first day Welcome Function, Golf themed (?) evening function on Friday and a special closing event (party!) on Saturday evening. It is at the Brisbane City Hall and hosted by keynote speaker Ashraf Habibullah.
It is the networking that makes attending an event like this worthwhile. That literally started on the flight from New Zealand with a bunch of familiar faces in the boarding lounge and sitting next to a BiLT ANZ sponsor travelling from the US via NZ. Given the wide variety of people it has attracted, ~500 attendees make it the biggest ever, there will be lots of new people to meet.
I’ll be following up with mid-event and summary posts, but you can also follow BiLT ANZ activity on social media; look for the #BILTANZ tag and follow @BiLTevent on Twitter.