Time flies and it is nearly March, see you there:
Only one week to go until the March 2018 BIM AK Event! Make sure you are registered!
(Thursday 1st March, 5.30-8.00pm).
This months event will be focused on Procurement, BIM, and how we can foster more collaborative working arrangements, and will feature an industry panel discussion, with participants from design, construction, project management, and client organisations - we will be actively encouraging audience participation and look forward to some lively debate.
Attendance is FREE, drinks and food will be provided but pre-event registration is essential. All attendees are required to register prior to the day of the event via the registration link below.
Whether you’re a BIM Manager, Architect, Engineer, Contractor, Facility Manager, Manufacturer, Project Manager or anyone else wanting to learn and share information about BIM, BIM AK events plan to have something for everyone.
More details and register at the EventBrite page; https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/bim-ak-march-2018-event-tickets-42978547994