Details for a couple of upcoming RUG meetings in New Zealand. I’ll be at the Auckland one, see you there?
Revit User Group Auckland - Wed 21 May 2014
Please join us from 5.30pm:
6:00pm: Presentation: NZ BIM Handbook
Andrew Redding (BIM Acceleration Committee Chairman and part of the Productivity partnership) and Steve Davis (Assemble) will be presenting the NZ BIM Handbook.
The Productivity Partnership is inviting industry comment on a draft New Zealand BIM Handbook. The draft Handbook was produced with the Partnership's support by the BIM working group of the National Technical Standards Committee, which has evolved into the BIM Acceleration Committee. Wrap up – News, Tips/Tricks & Open Forum
Location: Jasmax, 2 Marston Street, Parnell
RSVP via RUGAKL Meetup
Revit User Group Wellington - Wed 28 May 2014
Bracing Families and Schedules for Revit and Revit LT users
Scott from Graphic Dimensions Ltd will show you how to setup a simple bracing component family with some custom parameters added for use in your models whether you have full version Revit or Revit LT and then create a schedule to capture the bracing information using those families that come under the provisions of NZS:3604 Light Timber Framed Construction
Project Case Study - McKays to Peka:
Our Hosts BECA will present their work on the McKays to Peka Peka project which has some large Revit models and includes a number of disciplines.
Point Clouds Follow-up - Back in Revit
Location: BECA, Level 7, Aorangi House, 85 Molesworth Street, Thorndon
5.30pm – for a 6pm start, Finishing at 7:30pm
Please do not arrive before 5:30