If you are on Twitter & want to chat CAD check out the Cadalyst Twitter Chats. The series kicks off with Autodesk Evangelist Lynn Allen followed by Solidworks blogger Josh “SolidSmack” Mings. The Cadalyst page has details on how to join in the fun.
Cadalyst Dell-Sponsored Twitter Chats - http://www.cadalyst.com/wwwcadalystcom/twitter-chats
Join Cadalyst on Twitter for a series of informal conversations about CAD-related topics.
Thursday June 23, 2011 4p EST/1p PST
Topic: Design Collaboration, AutoCAD WS
Guest: Lynn Allen (@Lynn_Allen) – Autodesk Technical EvangelistThursday July 28, 2011 4p EST/1p PST
Topic: Design Collaboration
Guest: Josh Mings (@joshmings) – Blogger, SolidSmack
You’ll find me on Twitter as (highly imaginative name!) @robincapper. If you are looking for other CAD tweeps I maintain a CAD-BIM Twitter list. While not extensive it, currently, has about 490 members so provides a reasonable start. You can follow the entire list, or just view the members & follow those you choose.