Dan Jurgens has posted a great Revit/3ds Max tutorial originally presented at RTC 2010. A detailed white paper, Vimeo hosted screen capture videos and sample datasets are available via their post below. An awesome resource for the Revit/Max community, especially if (like me) you didn’t get to see it at RTC.
Visualise Revit designs fast with 3ds Max, mental ray and V-Ray (2010) | nzdan | RTC 2010
Zac and I presented the “Visualise Revit conceptual designs fast with 3ds Max, mental ray and V-Ray ” whitepaper at the RTC 2010 conference in May, please see all the details below.
Visualise Revit conceptual designs fast with 3ds Max, mental ray and V-Ray (2010)
Dan Jürgens, Bates Smart & Zac Arato, Atomic 3D“The Bach” is an ongoing project designing the renovation of a typical New Zealand Bach (holiday home) at Riversdale Beach. This paper explores the process of rendering the early conceptual designs in Revit and then migrating these models to 3ds Max to develop the renders using two of the most prolifically used render engines; mental ray and V-Ray. This class will provide an overview of both render engines, enabling attendees to choose and immediately produce the highest quality renders in either application…