I must be getting old…
Remember when AutoCAD came on a few floppy disks?
Then a handful of CDs, or a DVD?
I just finished building CAD application deployments that would require about 26,624 floppy disks. Admittedly it was AutoCAD Architecture/MEP, Revit Arch/MEP and 3DS Max (plus some 64 & 32 bit duplication) so a little more capable than the floppy disk era application.
And soon, the end of discs!
This arrived in the email yesterday:
“Please read this important notice about how you will receive your future Autodesk® software upgrades. In 2010 Autodesk is making download the default method for delivering your software upgrades.”
Yes, unless you really want the physical media your new application will be just a download away. Autodesk Beta releases have been delivered this way for several years and, given a reasonable broadband connection, I haven’t minded a bit. There is someone else who’ll welcome it. Gordie, who does the mail at work, will be relieved not to have me asking “are my presents are here yet?” every time I see him between the “it’s shipping” email and delivery!