Some Australasian Revit User Group News from RUGSYD and RUGAKL:
RUGANZ Umbrella Group Name:
You may know that we have been looking to form an Umbrella User Group with the Australia and NZ user groups - However we are stuck on a name!
Please help us out by going to the RUGSYD Forum and voting on an online poll (read Wesley Benn's Post for some further insight)
Follow this link to the Poll -
RTC Call for Papers:
If you are interested in being a presenter at Revit Technology Conference 2010, to be in Sydney next year, the RTC Committee are now calling for papers. Online abstract submission is now open and will close on the 20th of November 2009.
See - for more details.
AUSBIM Content Wiki:
Paul Hellawell (and many others...) has a Wiki set up following on from the discussions at RTC09 about Revit content for our industry. Please help the volunteers at AusBIM that are helping to shape the way manufacturers Revit Content is created.
Sign up for the site here and help out if you can.