I'm part of the TypePad Customer Advisory Board* and have been offered a discount code to share with fellow TypePad bloggers, both new and existing:
TYPEPADCAD10 is an unlimited 10% off for life...
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Microsoft have launched a new community site with videos about the upcoming Windows 7 operating system. It has launched with a mix of engineering and customer videos. If you're interested in the "why" behind Windows 7 it's worth a look. Talking about Windows - talkingaboutwindows.com
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In 2009 AutoCAD Architecture (ACA) largely shunned the AutoCAD Ribbon interface leaving it for the Visualisation workspace alone (right). In contrast ACA 2010 totally embraces the ribbon with a new ta...
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When I travelled to the AutoCAD bloggers preview I took a Tablet PC from work. I wanted to have the beta AutoCAD 2010 available but didn't want to "pollute" a production machine with test code. The so...
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Internet Explorer is more "customisable" than previous editions and Nomita's post shows how. My favourites are there along with a few I hadn't noticed. I've been using IE8 full time for about a month...
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If you're a U.S. resident reading this, and it appears quite a few are (right), consider this Autodesk AutoCAD Design Contest which has an awesome prize.
The winner receives a trip for two to San F...
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Today's delivery completed my set of "Twenty Tens". The arrival of Max (last week) and the Revit Architecture/MEP Series (today) mean it's time to think about building new deployments. As that will al...
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Jürgen emailed me last September* in response to a post about Inventor LT . It got my attention because I wasn't aware of many Inventor blogs/sites, even now I still follow more SolidWorks blogs!...
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To assist with migration to its new User Interface AutoCAD Architecture 2010, like AutoCAD 2010, has a Command Search built into the Application Button . Tap in a command/tool name, or part of one, an...
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I haven't been using it for 20 years but CorelDRAW is an old friend. The first version I saw was CorelDRAW 3 (1992), the first I owned was CorelDRAW 4 (1993) and since then I've updated every few rele...
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