About this time of year I'm usually packing my bags, ready to head to Vegas for Autodesk University. I suspect there will be much said about "Digital City Models" at AU this year but you don't need a computer to model a city. Last year I blogged about Julian Bencito's New York paper city model school project. He's just completed another amazing model: this time of Las Vegas. I won't see the real thing this year, but this version comes close!
There are more videos on Julian's Papermodeling YouTube Channel
Name: Julian
Age: 15
Hi I'm Julian Bencito and I make Models out of Paper for fun!
I build cities out of paper that gives a virtual image of everything that you can see from the air. I have completed New York and Las Vegas City. My next Project will be Los Angeles...
Updated 2008-11-28: A couple of photos from Julian (Click thumbnails for full image)