I haven't seen it running yet but from the release notes AutoSketch 10 sounds more like a "make-over 9 to get it running on Vista" release rather than anything revolutionary. It's been years since the last release (2004?) so it's quite a surprise to see 10 at all. I wonder if it still has a better Array command than AutoCAD 2009, it did in 1995!
Is there still a market for a low cost 2D CAD system? Autodesk must think so but I'm not so sure given the number of "free" alternatives out there. I guess the market will decide.
Autodesk Releases AutoSketch 10 for 2D Drafting - tenlinks.com
UPDATE 2008-12-03: Roopinder Tara's report on Carl Bass meeting the press at at Autodesk University mentions AutoSketch and new interpretation of CAD!
CAD Insider: Carl Bass Takes On A Roomful of Journalists
Then why was it [AutoSketch] ever discontinued?
"We lost interest. Corporate AD [attention deficit, a new meaning of CAD is coined]