Tech-Ed New Zealand is next week. If, like me, you're not attending some sessions will be available on line;
Tech Ed Live and online
Experience Tech.Ed 2008 NZ in the comfort of your own desk...
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If you want to keep in touch with AUGI at Autodesk University 2008:
Join the AUGI Group on AU Connect by clicking here:
If you use Twitter join:
* And say Hi to Mike, who prompted this pos...
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A few days with my feed disabled, to trace a fault, showed how many of you already use a feed reader. The drop-off in readers was very apparent in the statistics, so thanks for subscribing and coming...
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Via Steve , I learnt of a new'ish Aussie based BIM Blog. Judging from the content there already, Michelle Louw's* take on the meaning of BIM is well worth following. Subscribed!
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A couple of years ago I mentioned Enrico's "Venice Chronicles". What started as a graphic travelogue, shared on the web, is soon to be published as a book. Enrico shared the creative process on his bl...
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This is not a new article, posted Feb 2008, but is still worth reading. I don't use ArchiCAD, VectorWorks or Mac but the nature of BIM, the challenges for Software Vendors/Users and the varied technic...
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ActiveWords have released an update (Version 1.95) which adds Windows Language features. It also adopts the standard Windows protocol for user settings (. ..Documents and Settings\LOGON\Application Da...
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As I post this it's August 21'st (in New Zealand anyway) which is Shaan Hurley's fifth blog'day.
Between the Lines: Madonna is now 50, but this blog is turning 5!!!
It's no small task to main...
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From Richard... Beside the Cursor...: Align Annotation in SnagIt Tired of inserting a line or stamp or an arrow head in your SnagIt screen capture only to have to go back and move the endpoints?
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It started with a simple question: "Can we get as built drawings?"
It ended in a musty basement facing a huge pile of yellowing prints. There were literally hundreds, most torn, tattered, and large...
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