I’ve made a couple of changes to the site & wonder if anyone has noticed?
- Navigation Bar: TypePad have added the “Navigation Bar” which sits below the banner. I’ve currently got links to my other blogs, photos etc.
- Have you noticed, have you used it?
- Talkr audio: Talkr was turning my posts into an audio feed by machine reading them. It appears to have vanished which is a pity as it did a remarkable job.
- Was anyone using them, should I bother setting up another “machine read podcast” feed?
- I suppose I could read them myself but most of the world wouldn’t understand Nu Zild*.
* Kiwis do speak English but I’ve been told it’s a slurred rounded vowel rapid mumble often mis-understood by other English speakers. Even by our nearest neighbours, Aussie, who speak something like English think we have a strange accent, bizarre eh!