Today, wanting to find some info on an application, I tapped 3dmn into my computer. To my annoyance my browser did not launch, it did not navigate to the Autodesk 3ds Max site ready for action.
The reason was rather obvious… until recently I only used Viz so hadn’t set up any ActiveWords for Max yet!
That could be fixed in a few seconds. I got the permalink* – – from the Autodesk site (source these links from the alphabetical product list), made a “Navigate” ActiveWord. While I was there I made a “3ds Max” word, 3dmf, and that permalink is just 3dmu. I’ll never type “3ds Max”, manually browse to the Max site or have to find & copy/paste that URL ever again!
Tonight I came across a link to this post, by Martin L. Korn MD, on how this “simple little program” transforms your computing experience. ActiveWords is so integral to mine I only notice when it’s not there!
* The only reason I had to copy paste the Autodesk URL is they never use it on their site. The permalinks alway link to a regional content management URL which can change when the site changes.ActiveWords – A Paradox of Excellence – Systems11 Consulting
“In the exploding information age, all professions and businesses are faced with the task of accessing and integrating as much data and information as quickly as possible. ActiveWords clearly can help enormously in this regard.”
Via buzznovation