If you’re reading the feed you won’t have noticed but visitors to the weblog page will see some layout changes. I’ve changed the side-bars to a right hand layout and “de-cluttered” them:
- The media “I’m reading, watching, listening” side-bar lists are now only on my Personal Blog.
- The TypePad Photo Album links are gone:
- I’ve uploaded all the existing images, and over 4000 others, to Flickr Collections & Sets which can be accessed via the Flickr “badge” in the "My Blogs" section of the R/H side-bar.
- My future photo content will be on Flickr but if you want to see the old albums the links will remain on my Personal Blog.
Hopefully this should make things look a little cleaner and load a little faster. I welcome comment on these changes, better or not?, and any suggestions for more!