It’s the boring bit of my morning commute, thankfully only a couple of kilometres, where nose to tail traffic can be impossible to avoid.
While inching along, both brain and gear box in neutral, I notice something odd about the car in front. Is that an AutoCAD fan with a personalised plate?
I didn’t see the driver but it isn’t any AutoCAD dealer/user I know. I’ve also seen DWH & later plates so it simply appears our normal licensing has gone through the DWG### series. I haven’t seen another “DWG” and have also been looking for a “DWF” car. They must be out there somewhere!
The proper “DWG” (no numbers) personalised plate is taken, however “DWF” is still there* if any Kiwi readers want to buy it…
* I’d link to the plate site, maybe have got them a sale, but they have draconian terms of use (requiring written permission before linking to their website?) so stuff them!