Type the Sky fonts by Lisa Rienermann : mirage.studio.7 A font created Lisa Rienermann while studying at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the alphabet is formed of the shapes of buildings agai...
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I’d like to be going to Microsoft New Zealand’s Tech Ed New Zealand 2007 (13 - 15 August at SkyCity, Auckland) but it’s sold out. I’ll just have to watch the web, official unofficial, for news…...
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Kevin Roberts on Lovemarks, CATIA V5R14 CAD and the power of a napkin sketch…
KR Connect: Learning from a napkin Anyone familiar with the birth of Lovemarks knows that my core idea about the futu...
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The AU Blog has a new look as things rev up for Autodesk University 2007. With hundreds more sessions it’s time to get your justification together, if you haven’t already, for attending the best Autod...
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The Problem;
You have a problem opening a ACA/AMEP project or slow application start-up (I’m talking 10+ minute slow) on a given machine. This is specific to a user/machine and others using the...
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The AutoCAD® Architecture Product Team run a Customer Council to gather feedback on AutoCAD Architecture. To date this has been in the form of user surveys on preferences and requirements for future v...
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I’ve been a TUMONZ (The Ultimate Map Of New Zealand) user for years but must admit I wondered what would become of it with the onslaught of web based maps virtual earths. TUMONZ have a credible web pr...
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I think Scott may have started a Cad Blogger Simpsons Avatar meme .
While his is rather generic scrolling down to see Shaan’s appear while drinking a coffee was not a good idea – wipes coffee spray...
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The Jing Project is an experiment from TechSmith , the screen capture/recording people, who are best known for SnagIt Camtasia. It offers a little of each product in a slick, easy to use, form for bot...
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It’s the boring bit of my morning commute, thankfully only a couple of kilometres, where nose to tail traffic can be impossible to avoid.
While inching along, both brain and gear box in neutral, I...
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