My dad is a talented engineer and can machine, weld, craft pretty much anything. I’m very much not a talented engineer but have always been interested in engineering design software. The hope was it could drive CNC machinery to compensate for my lack of machining skill
That’s why the news that Inventor LT is available as a free long term preview (May 2008) caught my attention. If you’ve an interest in engineering software, a need to collaborate with engineers or would like a look at this technology click download (one warning it’s 934mb! and only for the USA/Canada), try it and then tell the Inventor LT team what you think!
Inventor LT is here! | Autodesk Manufacturing Community
The Inventor team is pleased to announce a new member to the Inventor family – Inventor LT. Inventor LT is a technology preview that will be available today on Autodesk Labs for all to download and use through a free preview license that is active until May 1, 2008.
Inventor LT contains the same great 3D part modeler contained in Inventor plus the ability to create associative 2Ddrawings and photorealistic renderings of the 3D models. A variety of tools are included to speed communication such as DWF, neutral import and export formats as well as the new Translator Add-In available on Autodesk labs. Inventor LT also comes with Autodesk’s suite of viewing tools including Autodesk Design Review 2008, Inventor View and DWG TrueView. One of the biggest differences between Inventor LT and Inventor is that Inventor LT does not support assemblies. For a full list of capabilities take a look at the Inventor LT site…Autodesk Inventor LT Now Available - Autodesk Labs Blog
LT stands for "Limited Technology" - but don't let that sway you. There's a lot you can do. For example, AutoCAD LT is a version of AutoCAD with most everything except for 3D and application runtime extension capabilities.
Autodesk Labs is proud to announce the Autodesk Inventor LT Technology Preview. Created by the same Manufacturing Solutions Division that brings you Autodesk Inventor, it is available for a limited time free of charge from the Autodesk Labs site…
UPDATE 04–05–2007: Too Popular for me…
I downloaded the preview but the “Important Inventor LT Information” registration email which was supposed to confirm an install serial no was blank. Querying this didn’t get a very useful response:
Thank you for your interest in Inventor LT, and this blank email appears to be an early technical glitch with the automated email system. It is resolved now. Nevertheless…
Current demand for the Inventor LT technology preview has far surpassed our initial estimates. In order to provide our participants with the best experience, we have decided to limit availability to participants in the US and Canada at this time. We regret any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused, and the website has been updated to reflect this more clearly.
We are extremely excited about the overwhelming response to this technology preview. Please continue to visit the site for the latest information on the Inventor LT technology preview.
Best regards,
Product Manager, InventorPity to waste a 1GB download…