I read about the re-designed Microsoft Web site in Tim Leberecht’s post where he critiques the new page, and the Zune Site. After trying it I found it doesn’t work that well, in fact it doesn’t meet a basic expectation I have for a website. The UI adopts a mock Vista type “folder” as a navigation tool but after selecting a folder option hitting Back doesn’t return you to the folder you just left. Is this really the best design they could come up with?
Folders are just a legacy of the limitations imposed by our traditional expectations (paper files go in folders) and computers ability to store and search data in the days directorys (folders) were devised. I had hoped that WinFS would kill the folder on the desktop allowing information to be stored and accessed based on what it is, not the nominal location you are forced to choose by a folder model. Microsoft haven’t delivered that on the desktop, now they are creating folders as a web navigation tool. It’s a backward step.
The extended post illustrates the comment (in Italics) I left on Tims post with some additional thoughts.
I hadn't been to Microsoft.com for a while then read your post. Why are they are trying to impose a Windows model on their site, like they do for everything PC related, when it fails to meet basic web navigation expectations. Browser Back doesn't take you back to where you were. Starting at the Homepage:
I opened the "Products & Related Technologies" (Why not Products!) then the window pops up. OK so far. Well, OK except you can only close it. A folder that you can not maximise, minimise or move fails to meet most my expectations for “being a Folder” other than looking like one.
Then picked "Office On-line" which closes the pop-up and opens that site (BTW it has a totally different office ribbon based UI). So much for consistency although in many ways this UI works much better as a web interface…
Say I'd picked the wrong thing, I really wanted Business Solutions which is the fourth option in that pop-up folder, so hit
Back. That takes you back, not to the pop-up you just arrived from, but to the home page without the “folder”. It doesn’t even have the previously selected option selected so I have to start from scratch!