The logo I use on this site evolved from one I used back in my self employed days.
This logo was on my business card in the 80–90’s and evolved into this
for the blog.
I’ve been slowly improving the blog layout, did anyone notice?, and had new logo on the to-do list but no real ideas. I have no idea why they are red & blue, yet I created them (?), but it annoyed me. I wanted something a bit more “Kiwi” and colour neutral so it could be used on a photo banner without a black background. I then realised silver & black, traditional New Zealand colours, might work.
That’s how happened one night a couple of weeks ago. Latest step is a new favicon – the
icon seen in your web application – made with this neat free web tool:
The blog is still too cluttered but lots of that stuff is there for my reference. It’s surprising how often I visit my backup brain!
I’d like to have the banner fill the top but not sure how using a variable width blog, which I prefer. Also need a better way to handle the categories and lists but not found anything suitable. If you have any design/layout suggestions let me know. I’m slowly ticking off the topics in my plan (right) but it’s interesting, for me at least, to look back at how it started and evolved.
First was the default TypePad template, only customisation was an italic RobiNZ Blog
Then came a photo banner, little chunks of my photos from NZ, work and travels.
Then separate CAD & Non CAD blogs which meant an index and individual banners, allowing bigger images which is a neat way to use my photography. It’s interesting searching out bits of images, or taking special photos, that look Ok in the skinny letter-box slot frame!
Then added the RB, RCB, RPB logo's
But the red & blue bugged me, which led to current ones which work on most photos. I wanted to make the image bigger as get quite a few emails about them and a lot of clicks on the “What is it” banner image links in the side-bars.
And I guess they will change… That’s why all the old banners live on in my Banner Archive Album