Apparently it was cold this morning but I don't know as slept in. About 10am I picked up a rental bike and headed for Golden Gate. Needed some film so popped into a camera shop near where I'm staying. The Chinese owner asked if I was Kiwi and it turns out his brother runs a superette in St Heliers, Auckland where I top up for "fuel" on some of my bike rides. Small world.
Anyway, with my usual luck, the bike got (out of a zillion rental bikes) started creaking a little when I put pressure on the pedal. No problem, i thought, they do that for miles. About 2.5 km later the entire crank and pedal dropped off. The creaking was not a loose crank as it appeared the bolt had failed....
After a nice walk around the waterfront pushing and scooting the one pedal bike I got back and set out again with a thoroughly checked new bike - no problems this time!
I headed out to the bridge but then over the hill to El Chimino, then through the Golden Gate Park (saw a bison), back through Presidio and headed over the hill to the bridge. The wind of the last few days meant no smog/fog and it was stunning. Got some great photos but not digital so will have to wait till I get home to see them - H'mmm Digital SLR....
Then rolled down the hill to Sausalito, had a lovely Gelato ($10NZ though), and jumped on the ferry home. By this time the winds had gone westerly and the fog that SF is famous for had started to roll in. According to my Garmin I biked, walked and scooted 52km today so think I've earned dinner tonight!