AT are currently seeking consultation on a roadside cycleway link between Westgate and Hobsonville Point. From there it will link into the existing Upper Harbour path/cycleway to connect to the North Shore. It will run along the existing Hobsonville Rd with provision for bikes added to the road intersections along its length.
Hobsonville Road Cycleway | AT Site Link
Auckland Transport is working to deliver a connected safe cycle network across Auckland. The Hobsonville Road Cycleway will provide safer access for cyclists to the Hobsonville Ferry Terminal and the new bus interchange at Westgate serving the Western Express.
This is great as Hobsonville Rd is already quite good for cycling, with lower traffic levels thanks to SH18 taking the traffic heading to the North Shore, but adding separated cycleways and intersection provisions will be an improvement.
However, unless I have missed something, there is one massive lost opportunity in the current AT design proposal. It is intended to link into a new Westgate Bus Station but appears to have no easy connection to the existing SH16 cycle path that goes all the way to the Auckland CBD. It appears the Northwest Bus Station Proposals don't address that either.
Getting to Hobsonville Rd
To go from the SH16 path to Hobsonville Rd through the Westgate Centre involves a 1km route (blue line) with at least six intersection crossings, two of them horrible multi-leg motorway on/off ramps (5) (6). The current alternative path (red line) crosses an overbridge to Oreil Avenue, a suburban road that connects to Hobsonville Rd.
The proposed Hobsonville Rd cycleways are one directional matching traffic flow on each side of the existing road. There appears to be no provision in the current AT Proposal (below) for a crossing at the end of Oreil Avenue (location indicated by the red arrow I've added). Currently it requires a right turn dash across four (and a bit) lanes of traffic from an uncontrolled intersection.
A safe SH16/Hobsonville Road connection?
It could be done by connecting to the existing (brilliant) pedestrian/cycle overbridge (1 & photo below) with 440m of roadside cycleway (2-3) along Oreil Ave, and one lights controlled crossing at Hobsonville Rd/Oreil Ave intersection (3).
Existing SH16 Oreil Avenue overbridge
Using the existing lights?
It is possible there are considerable cost and traffic implications adding another controlled intersection at (3). in that case the design could repurpose existing traffic lights that currently control the Fire Station access at (4) (5). All the hardware and controls exist for them, the only cost being adding provisions for a crossing.
Seems a waste to miss this opportunity to link existing facilities with so little extra expense needed to do it. Come on AT!