I rarely sleep more than six or seven hours, sometimes less. It was rather reassuring to read the often cited "Eight Hours sleep a night" is probably too long!
How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?...
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Sky TV (New Zealand) LIVE coverage joined the Formula 1 Qualifying 52 seconds before the first (20 minute) session ended.
Oh, and while it was happening LIVE they showed promo's about how they show...
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Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin demonstrates she doesn't understand the difference between information and science ;
Palin brings creationism debate back into the headlines: Scientific American Blog "Tea...
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From the other side of the world 9/11 was experienced via Radio, TV and Internet. The images were surreal, but they were real. It was tragedy for thousands who were directly involved, but it's impacte...
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it's good news which is somewhat rare these days.
3 News Home Story Whangarei woman transforms community When Kim Anderson moved into her new home in Whangarei, she was in despair at the crime,...
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I love this quote from Phil Plait's brilliant speech;
"No crystal balls, no tarot cards, no horoscopes. Just you, your brain, and your ability to think. Welcome to science. You’re gonna like it...
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I must admit I'm not really an Indy Car fan, the round round oval races don't appeal, but it was brilliant to see Scott Dixon take the title. A well deserved reward for him, his family and the loyal K...
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Why are the Police wasting their time talking to Psychics? At best the Sensing Murder mob are misguided well meaning fools who really believe their own powers publicity; at worst cynical charlatans ma...
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