Tonights Close Up story “ Costly Repairs ”, about the cost of car repairs after slow speed collisions, was interesting until they dragged out Dog Lemon Guide editor Clive Matthew-Wilson.
Why is he...
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I was interested to read in the Sunday Star Times that Radio Sport might be considering re-hiring Martin Devlin. Perhaps they should ask Radio Live for some tapes, from the days when he was their morn...
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There are many great lines in “ Life on Mars ” but Gene Hunt’s ;
“Look at her ,she's as nervous as a very small nun at a penguin shoot”
was just brilliant.
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A view with out that tower Originally uploaded by RobiNZ Auckland looks a lot better without that bloody ugly Sky Tower dominating the skyline. Taken from work as the sea fog lifted.
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Ghost Shops? Originally uploaded by RobiNZ There's an advert on the radio for a shop in Southland which comes with a signed up long term lessee, and property either side, and only costs $99,000. Every time I hear it I remember the day I got off my bike and took this photo. The two aren't connected, except in my mind, I hope...
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Why do Sony make so many similar sized/styled laptops, but nothing really innovative?
Some are small, some are more powerful, some are different colours but where is the tablet, the touch, UMPC, th...
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Just heard this mentioned on Radio Live , thanks Graeme Hill, and it’s a good thing.
Science Media Centre - The SMC is an independent source of expert comment and inf...
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All I wanted to know was how much SKY Television's new HD set top box costs.
That meant waiting ages, and this is with broadband so God help dialup users, for the flash based site to load. Then I h...
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