Christchurch councillors are complaining about Transit (New Zealand Govt Transport) neglect saying the funding is being spent in the North Island.
Chch accuses Transit NZ of neglect - New Zealand news on
Christchurch's "acute" traffic gridlock problem is being ignored by national transport funders in favour of North Island roads, city councillors say…
About bloody time I say! Having seen most of the South Island, by both car and bicycle, I was constantly amazed at the fantastic high quality nearly empty road network. It’s obvious the funding has greatly exceeded the North Island, on a population basis, remembering hardly anyone lives in the South Island.*
Above: A busy South Island road. Note the traffic density – the bicycle is mine.
Above: A quiet Auckland road…
It may occasionally get slightly busy at “peak hour” in Christchurch but the best answer to that is get out of Christchurch! If it’s only an hour go in there at a different time. I’d be happy to achieve 30 kmh in “peak most of the day” Auckland traffic & know some who struggle to do their 10km commute in an hour! The roading projects currently being done in Auckland were needed about 20 years ago and won’t even complete a network first mooted over 40 years ago!
The cart track which links Auckland & Wellington, laughably named State Highway One, has been neglected for decades. Maybe it was a clever plan to keep the Government bureaucrats stuck in Wellington but they have, to the amazement of many, realised that they can fly out of the place on taxpayer funded tickets so that’s no excuse.
Before Christchurch cry “It’s not fair” remember that life is simpler and a lot less stressful when you realise that it isn’t fair. Relax, you’ll get your current needs funded in about 2057, for completion in 2090, if Auckland is any example…
* I have no idea if that’s true but look at the photos and decide!