The recent move to “un-bundle” our phone network was heralded as the first step towards NZ getting better connected. Rod Drury highlights a couple of recent software deals and points out this industry represents a potential low investment path to increase our productivity. I’d add the work done by local Movie/TV production houses, it’s just another form of software, to this argument for creative “soft” industries being a future path for growth. If you have a great idea, the resources and talent to develop it then distance – the problem our traditional exports face – is not an issue.
Another Big NZ Software deal - Rod Drury
31-year-old Wellingtonian Claudia Batten has sold her software company to Microsoft. For up to US$400 million (NZ$643 million).“Hasn't the software industry proven it this year already? I just read that the total value of our wine exports in 2005 was 360m. TradeMe and Massive alone have generated over a 1B of inwards cash already in just 2006.”